Sunekos 200 and 1200
After the age of 25, the body will begin to break down more collagen and elastin than we produce, and the aging process in the skin begins its entry with lines and coarser and looser skin. This is unfortunately the natural result of the aging process.
But by stimulating the skin to increase production of collagen and elastin achieves man that the skin looks younger, volume loss is improved, lines are reduced and the skin receives an increased supply of moisture.
Sunekos is a new injection treatment (not filler) here in Norway, which can show well-documented results through studies from other countries in Europe. Treatments with Sunekos correct and prevent signs of aging, and are the only natural product in aesthetic medicine that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, while restoring volume loss and improving the skin's elasticity in a natural way.
Collagen is one of the skin's most important building blocks that strengthens the skin's moisture level and can also have a positive effect on the skin's elasticity, tightness and moisture.
Elastin is what gives elasticity to the skin and gives it the ability to contract.
Sunekos is a patented formula with hyaluronic acid and amino acid that stimulates the intercellular substance (the fluid around the cell) where we find collagen and elastin, among other things.
Sunekos for face comes in two editions;
Sunekos 200 for a general skin improvement and Sunekos 1200 to treat something more volume loss and skin with little elasticity.
These treatments can also be combined and something we consider and customize for each individual customer.
The treatment is suitable for both younger customers (30+) and upwards to slow down the physiological aging of the skin, as well as for mature skin to reduce signs of aging and reactivate cellular functionality.
Areas that can be treated include around the eyes, neck, chest, hands, forehead and generally on the face.
Three treatments are recommended one to four weeks apart.
The treatment has little or no "downtime", and most people can return to normal activities immediately.
Someone can become slightly swollen, especially around the eyes, and as with all injection treatments, small bruises may appear on the skin.
As with all other injection treatments, you must be healthy and not pregnant or breastfeeding.
Sunekos for ansikt kommer i to utgaver
Sunekos 2000 for en generell hudforbedring og Sunekos 1200 for å behandle noe mer volumtap og hud med lite elastisitet.
Disse behandlingene kan også kombineres og noe vi vurderer og spesialtilpasser for hver enkelt kunde.
Behandlingen er egnet både for yngre kunder (30+) og oppover for å bremse fysiologisk aldring av huden, samt for moden hud for å redusere tegn på aldring og reaktivere cellulær funksjonalitet.
Områder som kan behandles er blant annet rundt øynene, hals, bryst, hender, panne og generelt i ansikt.
Det anbefales tre behandlinger med én til fire ukers mellomrom.
Behandlingen har lite eller ingen "nedetid", og de fleste kan gå tilbake til normale aktiviteter umiddelbart.
Noen kan bli litt hovne, spesielt rundt øynene, og som med alle injeksjonsbehandlinger kan det oppstå små blåmerker i huden.
Som med alle andre injeksjonsbehandlinger må man være frisk og ikke gravid eller ammende.