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  • Klinikk Estetikk | Mesoterapi | Tønsberg

    Mesotherapy Mesotherapy is a very popular aesthetic treatment that gives you active ingredients right into the skin, it becomes soft, plump and glows after just one treatment. If you want a natural skin improvement over time, mesotherapy can be an option for you. Mesotherapy is derived from the Greek word meso meaning "middle", and therapeia which means "to treat medically". IN principle, it means that one treats the middle layer of skin - dermis, by adding nutrients and active ingredients to the skin through microinjections. Reaches the skin gets added different nutrients hair this has a positive effect on cellular metabolism. By adding active ingredients such as Vitamins, amino acids, peptides, minerals, growth factors and hyaluronic acid help prevent aging of the skin, neutralize free radicals, stimulate collagen formation, tighten the skin and provide moisture. Before treatment Mesotherapy can be combined with other medical treatments such as microneedling, peeling and clearlift. Anesthetic cream is usually not needed before the treatment. We also do not recommend this as the anesthetic may weaken the ingredients to go down in the skin. Before the mesotherapy itself, the skin is first cleansed and disinfected. In mesotherapy, we use various techniques called nappage and PBP (point by point). The treatment ends with a face mask. After treatment You can see the difference your skin immediately after treatment. It is smoother, tighter and has got a fresh look. There are no signs of needle sticking and you can safely leave the clinic without looking treated. With treatment on the neck and chest, you can get some bruises as the skin here is thinner. Side effects This is a safe treatment with little risk of side effects. For all treatments where the skin is perforated with a needle there will always be a risk of infection or get an allergic reaction to an active ingredient. Duration The cocktail with the ingredients used is fresh and is a nutrient that the cells absorb and use. A treatment will have an effect of up to 1 month. If you want a longer duration, can You take a regimen of 6 treatments, and then maintenance every 3 months.

  • Klinikk Estetikk | BB glow |Tønsberg

    BB glow Do you have an uneven complexion, maybe a little ruddy, dark circles under the eyes, dark or light spots? Then this treatment is perfect for you. BB glow is a semi-permanent foundation that is applied with microneedling. It evens out skin tone, dimming the visibility of redness, dark and light spots, stretch marks and blue circles under the eyes. In addition, you get the effect of microneedling which gives a firmer and smoother skin structure. It is enriched with nutrients and contains several plant extracts and an ingredient that is effective against enlarged pores, fine lines and uneven skin tone. The effect lasts about 6 months, gives glow from the inside, is painless and causes no downtime or redness This popular treatment is now available in our clinic. A super treatment for you who want glow and a smoother skin tone, or reduce uneven color on the face.

  • Klinikk Estetikk | Erbuim Yag laser | Tønsberg

    Fractionated Erbium: YAG laser As we age, the tone and structure of our skin changes. Fine lines begin to appear around our eyes and mouth, as well as the wrinkles on our foreheads. Plus age spots and sun spots can occur, which makes the skin's texture appear rough and uneven. Fractionated Erbium: YAG laser , is one of the most powerful and effective types of laser for the improvement of wrinkles, skin renewal, pore size and treatment of acne scars. Recommended treatments Acnearr wrinkle treatment upper lip, lower eyelids (tightening of skin), skin improvement of sun-damaged skin. Who can be treated? Skin surface treatments are safe, effective and suitable for all skin types. Downtime varies since fractionated lasers have different thermal effects (heat) and ablation capabilities (peeling). Patients can choose a light treatment with a shorter recovery time, or to have a stronger treatment to achieve long-lasting anti-aging results. ​ What is Fractionated Erbium: YAG laser? Light and laser based skin surface treatment to smooth and balance the skin - thus improving the overall skin tone, elasticity and texture. They help reduce superficial pigmentation and pore size, while helping to strengthen the skin towards future aging . In addition, these advanced skin treatments can improve the appearance of pimples. ​

  • Klinikk Estetikk | Plastikkirurg | Tønsberg

    Treatments with a plastic surgeon Plastikkkirurgi øyelokk We work closely with the Nimo clinic in Drammen. Renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Morten H. Haug is medically responsible at Klinikk Estetikk. Dr. Haug performs upper eyelid surgery with local anesthesia at Klinikk Estetikk. Before the operation, you must have a consultation with him. Follow-up and removal of stitches is done with us. Dr. Haug will be available at our clinic 1-2 days a month. Dr. Haug also performs consultations for other types of plastic surgical operations here at Klinikk Estetikk. These operations will be performed at the Nimo clinic in Drammen. Follow us on our social media, or here on the page which days he is available for consultation and surgery at Klinikk Estetikk. PRICES Consultation with a plastic surgeon NOK 400, - Upper eyelid surgery / tongue eyelid NOK 16,875 You can book a consultation with Dr. Haug in Tønsberg. Book an appointment with a plastic surgeon

  • Klinikk Estetikk | Dermapen | Tønsberg

    Dermapen Dermapen causes controlled damage to the skin which stimulates the formation of collagen. This results in improved lines, wrinkles and skin quality. Dermapen is a microneedling treatment that makes small microperforations in the skin. This causes the skin to activate the repair mechanisms in the body and heals the damage quickly. The result gives a skin-enhancing effect, with stimulation of collagen and elastin. Even after a treatment, you notice a difference in the skin. Microneedling has an effect on Skin tightening Lines and wrinkles, also around eyes and mouth Pores Scar Pigments Improved glow and skin tone. Dermapen is fantastic for treating sagging skin on the neck and sun-damaged skin on the chest / décolleté. Dermapen is the market's most advanced microneedling system. It penetrates the skin about 90 times per second, and has an adjustable needle depth. In this way, one can stimulate and activate the various skin cells. Dermanpen can be used in combination with other treatments such as peeling and mesotherapy to achieve an even better result. ​ Before treatment As a rule, anesthesia is not necessary, you want anesthesia apply it about 45 min before the treatment. The skin is cleansed and disinfected before microneedling. ​ The treatment Microneedling takes 15-20 minutes. in addition to cleaning and disinfection, and any anesthesia The treatment ends with a cooling face mask or LED light treatment. ​ After treatment Right after the treatment, you feel "sunburned", and the skin is red. Not use makeup before 12 hours after treatment. You may be red in the skin for a few days, and some experience flaking after 2-3 days. Many people experience glow in the skin after a treatment. After treatment, we can recommend K-Ceutic sun factor 50 Oxygentix Side effects This is a safe treatment with little risk of side effects. At all treatments where If you perforate the skin with a needle, there will always be a risk of infection, or you may have an allergic reaction to ingredients in the serum that are applied to the skin during microneedling. ​ Duration To achieve an optimal result with microneedling, it is recommended to take a course of 4 - 6 treatments at 6-week intervals.

  • Klinikk Estetikk | Tønsberg

    muscle relaxing Injection KONSULTASJON FØR BEHANDLING This the treatment requires electronic consultation from our own doctor. When you book an appointment for treatment with us, we send you a link to a form that you fill out and return to us. Due to privacy, you must have a bank ID to log in. Approval from the doctor applies for one year at a time, as long as your state of health does not change. The actual treatment is performed by experienced cosmetic nurses at Klinikk Estetikk Muscle relaxant drug which has been used both medically and cosmetically for many years, and is basically completely harmless. SPØRSMÅL? Vi har ikke lov å markedsføre reseptpliktige legemidler mot allmenheten grunnet Legemiddelforskriften . Har du spørsmål eller ønsker informasjon om behandling, bestill en konsultasjonstime eller ta kontakt her: ​ ​ Kontakt oss Fornavn Etternavn E-post Fødselsdato Skriv en melding Ved å oppgi din kontaktinfo, samtykker du til at Klinikk Estetikk lagrer og håndterer disse personopplysningene i tråd med personvernlovgivningen *Jeg godtar vilkårene og betingelsene Send inn Takk for at du kontaktet osss

  • Kontakt oss | Klinikk Estetikk | Tønsberg

    Kontakt oss Send us an e-mail, call, send SMS or send us a message in the contact form below You will find us in Kong Sverresgate 4, 3111 Tønsberg Tel: 47640115 Email:

  • Klinikk Estetikk | BioSil

    BioSil What is BioSil? ​ Today, many people take collagen in various forms. Collagen supplement is a pure protein supplement. It often says on the package that it can help collagen production. Most of us with a normal digestion and who are not malnourished will not get any particular effect from collagen supplements. We get collagen through the food we eat (including meat). the body absorbs the amino acids we need, and these amino acids are distributed around to various organs, and do not automatically go only to the skin. ​ The connection between BioSil and collagen is that BioSil stimulates the physiological processes that increase the production of collagen. There are two very different things about eating collagen, and actually generating collagen. ​ BioSil stimulates the fibroblasts in the dermis to increase collagen production. The effect of BioSil is that you get a rejuvenating effect that is shown on elasticity, lines, wrinkles, glow, skin moisture level, and a smoother skin surface. BioSil simply provides increased skin quality. ​ ​ 89% increased skin elasticity 30% Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles 13% Stronger and thicker hair ​ Stronger nails Significantly reduced pore size increases the glow of the skin considerably Strong reduction of dark circles under the eyes Increased moisture level in the skin ​ BioSil is finally in Norway after 25 years on the international market. this product is well-proven, and there are several studies that follow the gold standard of research. Biosil can also be taken in addition to aesthetic skin care. Sammenhengen mellom BioSil og kollagen er at BioSil stimulerer de fysiologiske prossessene som øker produksjonen av kollagen. Det er to vidt forskjellige ting det å spise kollagen, og det å faktisk generere kollagen. BioSil stimulerer fiborblastene i dermis til økt produksjon av kollagen. Effekten av BioSil er at man får en foryngende virkning som vises på elastitet, linjer, rynker, glød, hudens fuktnivå., og en jevnere hudoverflate. BioSil gir rett og slett en økt hudkvalitet. ​ 89% økt hudelastitet 30% Reduksjon av fine linjer og Rynker 13% Sterkere og tykkere hår ​ Sterkere negler Betydelig redusert porestørrelse øker hudens glød betraktelig Kraftig reduksjon av mørke ringer under øynene Økt fuktnivå i huden ​ BioSil er endelig i Norge etter 25 år på det internasjonale markedet. dette produktet er velutprøvd, og det er flere studier som følger forskingens gullstandard. Biosil kan også tas som tillegg til estetisk hudpleie.

  • Klinikk Estetikk | PRP | Tønsberg

    PRP is a treatment where plasma and platelets are secreted from your own blood. This is then injected into the area to be treated to increase the body's innate ability to regenerate different types of tissue. PRP is 100% natural and has no side effects, no complications and has minimal downtime. PRP has been used since the 70's in connection with operations to reduce the healing time of wounds. Within the aesthetic received the treatment extra attention after Kim Kardashian posted a picture of herself in 2013, where she had received a so-called "Vampire facelift". What can PRP help with? PRP often has a good effect on treatment for hair loss, wrinkles / fine lines, acne scars, crow's feet around the eyes, wrinkles around the mouth, nasolabial folds (wrinkles between the nose and corners of the mouth), thin, flabby and dehydrated skin. In addition, the treatment has a good effect on sagging skin and rings under the eyes, which are very difficult to treat with other methods. ​ The treatment can: Reduce wrinkles and lines Normalize skin color (pigments) Reduce pores Prevent hair loss and increase thickness and growth Increase the thickness and elasticity of the skin Reduce bags under the eyes Tighten the skin Increase bone mass How does PRP work? In PRP treatment, the body's natural processes are utilized. Because you excrete unwanted substances, you get a higher concentration of platelets, which in turn leads to increased production of cells with regenerative ability. We have substances in the blood that help with hemostasis / repair, but because we increase the concentration, one will "boost" the ability to repair. These cells will act on damaged tissue, increase the production of collagen and elastin, nourish hair follicles, optimize scar tissue, attack pigments and turn back the clock a few years for the quality of skin and hair. PRP is also used by dentists for wound treatment, muscle / soft tissue damage, osteoarthritis patients, intimacy health for women and men and by veterinarians. A product that combines PRP with hyaluronic acid, called Cellular Matrix, can used for skin treatment and will, in addition to the effect of PRP, provide more plump, a better hydrated skin and is perfect for use under the eyes, nasolabia, acne scars and wrinkles. You get an immediate result with Cellular Matrix. How does the treatment take place? 6ml is drained or 10ml of blood, depending on the type of treatment desired, from you on a vacuum-filled tube. The tube is centrifuged for 5min. and we are left with growth factors, nutrients and hormones that are tapped on a syringe ready for use in the desired area. Everything happens in a closed system, so that the treatment is completely safe for you as a patient. How long the treatment takes depends on method and area to be treated. If you want, you can get anesthetic cream, but it is not recommended as the effect that the cream has will reduce the effect of platelets. This must be assessed against whether you want anesthesia or not. What can you expect? To achieve the best possible effect, it is important not to wash the skin, apply make-up or sweat (exercise or sauna) throughout the day. The recommended course of treatment is 3 treatments at 3-4 week intervals. For maintenance, 1-2 injections a year are recommended. With Cellular Matrix you will get an immediate result, due to the hyaluronic acid. With PRP only, without added Cellular Matrix, will it take a few days before the effect starts. After 2-3 months you will be able to see clear results. The treatment has a greater effect on the structure of the tissue and lasts longer than ordinary products used today. The result is 100% natural and the product is safe to use. Bruising can occur (as a result of hitting a blood vessel, these disappear after 7-14 days. Redness of the skin will, in most people, disappear after a few hours and swelling after 24-48 hours. Who is the treatment suitable for? The treatment is suitable for everyone between 18 - 100 years, regardless of skin type. Cancer patients / patients with a history of cancer, pregnant women and hemophiliacs are not recommended to be treated with PRP. Patients with the disease are advised to recover before treatment. ​ ​ PRP - Rich Plasma Platelet

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  • Klinikk Estetikk | Hudpleieprodukter | Tønsberg

    For an optimal result of your treatments - or just a desire for good and healthy skin health, we carry reputable and quality-assured products. We find the best products and put together solutions that give you healthy and radiant skin. With us you can order a skin consultation where together we find the best solution for your skin. You can use these products alone, or as an adjunct to any of our treatments such as filler treatments with Restylane or our other effective skin treatments. Book a consultation for skin health Skinbetter science Skinbetter Science er en hudpleie serie fra USA som har to eksklusive og innovative teknologier, som skiller Skinbetter science-produkter fra andre hudpleiemerker Den revolusjonerende Interfuse™–teknologien leverer hudfornyende ingredienser der de trengs, raskt og dypt med stor presisjon. Den har en kraftfull retinoid-teknologi som motvirker hudaldring og gir maksimal hudfornyelse med liten eller ingen irritasjon. Resultatet er en frisk og ungdommelig hud som gjenspeiler skjønnheten i vitenskap.​ Dette vil si at dette er produkter med aktive ingredienser som gir resultater uten irritasjon og nedetid. Dette er også en liten serie hvor du kommer langt med å starte med bestselger produktet alpharet overnight cream. ​​ Skinbetter science peel Til serien Skin Better Science kan du også få utført Alpharet professional peel system i klinikken.​ Dette er peelinger som forbedrer hudtone, hudstruktur, og solskader, og gir deg en fin glød i huden. Dette er peelinger som ikke gir avflassing, men jobber dypere ned i huden, og gir deg et bedre resultat. Lactoceramide NOON Aesthetics NOON Aesthetics TM redefinerer vår oppfattelse omkring effektivitet og sikkerhet på grunn av produktenes unike formulering og teknologi. Denne profesjonelle produktserien med markedets høyeste nivå på flere aktive ingredienser leverer imponerende resultater på en rekke hundutfordringer som for tidlig aldringstegn, hyperpigmentering, solskader, tap av elastisitet, uren hud,talgproblematikk, rød og sensitiv hud. Fordelen med denne serien er at den ikke gir uønsket bivirkninger som irritasjon i huden. ​ Hva er Dermshield? DermshieldTM er et teknologisk gjennombrudd som muliggjør bruk av potente ingredienser i hudpleieproduktene uten de vanlige bivirkningene som irritasjon og flassing. Produktene til NOON Aesthetics inneholder markedets høyeste konsentrasjoner og det beste av alt, du behøver ikke å gjennomgå irriterende tilvenningistid eller aggressiv nedetid. Azelaic forte 25 Meline Meline er et spesialisert hudprogram, som er rettet mot behandling av ujevn hudtone. I tillegg forbedrer Meline aldringstegn, fine linjer, rynker, forbedrer solskadet hud og gir huden glød. MeLine er den første og eneste serien som har spesialisert seg innen behandling av alle typer av hudpigmentering. Det unike med MeLine er at serien tar hensyn til de ulike fototypene og behandler disse ulikt for optimalt resultat. MeLine skiller mellom Caucasian Skin (fototypene I-IV) og Ethnic Skin (fototypene IV-VI). Meline viser raskt resultater Serien består av hjemmeprodukter og klinikkprodukter, og gir 90-95% forbedringer innen 60-90 dager. MELINE behandler pigment forårsaket av: Solskader Melasma Postinflammatorisk hyperpigmenteringer our blog Follow Klinikk Estetikk's blog for everything in skin, beauty and wellness our blog Follow Klinikk Estetikk's blog for everything in skin, beauty and wellness No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

  • Klinikk Estetikk | Gavekort | Tønsberg

    Gift certificate A gift card at Klinikk Estetikk is the perfect gift for the quality-conscious recipient. A gift card from Klinikk Estetikk is the perfect anniversary gift, host / hostess gift. Buy and pick up the gift card at Klinikk Estetikk, or order a gift card via the link below and have it sent in the mail, either to yourself or the person you want to give it to. The gift card is delivered in a nice box with a bow, value and date. The gift card has an optional amount between NOK 250, - to 10,000 The card can be used for all our skin treatments and skin care products . ​ Lost cards are non-refundable. The card cannot be redeemed for cash. The card is valid for one year. For gift cards ordered by e-mail and sent by post, postage comes to NOK. 45, - in addition to the sum on the gift card. Order a gift certificate

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